Wednesday 7 September 2011

An Introduction, Yo!

The Simpsons was my first love.

Now when I say first love, I'm not saying I had a crush on The Simpsons. That'd be weird. I just mean that they were first television show that I was obsessed with. The first TV show where I made an effort to see every episode- some multiple times- and memorize my favorite moments. As a young Canadian Jr. High student, it was also my gateway into something special: the world of prime time television.

Prime time was something I always knew existed. I knew of all the classics that had come before my birth (I was born in 1992 by the by.) and a lot of the shows that were on at the time (2006-2007), but I didn't have much desire to watch them. Until one night, I stumbled upon the season 6 premiere of 24 (which had preempted Simpsons that night), started watching, and kept watching. I was hooked. Maybe prime time was worth watching after all. My only problem was that I didn't have cable, so watching TV was a bit of a hassle. It'd take a special show- even more special than 24- to make me dive in. Then heading into summer, something special happened. Having heard good things about it and having seen a couple episodes which I liked well enough, I rented the second season of The Office.

The Office was my second TV love and is still my greatest TV love. I became addicted. I watched every episodes of the second season a couple times within the course of a week. I began watching the third season online. I began memorizing my favorite moments. The works. That fall, I watched the new season of Office and a couple other shows I thought were interesting (Chuck and Pushing Daisies). I was fully committed to watching prime time now. Even the writer's strike didn't faze me (the writer's strike was how I started watching reruns of my third great TV love: Arrested Development. It's also why I decided to commit to Lost.).

These days, I still watch plenty of TV. And I'm still addicted to The Office. I can quote lines off-hand perfectly, and I'm pro at the trivia board game. My friends try to prove they're bigger fans than me and they fail. I probably know more about The Office than anyone in my province (Alberta.). And that's a modest guess. So what does any of this have to do with anything? Well, a lot of this most recent paragraph is me bragging, honestly. But the rest is to give a bit of background on how I came to love TV enough to blog about it. Now here comes some more background.

I'm a big fan of TV. But I also know that people like to talk about more than TV. I like to talk about other things too. I'm actually a pretty active guy, but sometimes I just want to talk/read about my favorite shows. Which is why, when I found websites that review episodes of television (primarily I use IGN and AV Club), I soaked it up. I loved reading reviews. Getting a professional's take on what I loved. Sometimes I agreed with them and sometimes I didn't, but I loved them.

Over the years though I began to desire more than those reviews could give me. I wanted my own voice to be heard. So I thought about making a blog where I gave my opinions (not reviews, as I don't think I'm a critical enough person to call them reviews.) on the shows in the NBC Thursday night comedy line-up. So I would review The Office and some of my newer loves: Community, Parks and Recreation, and 30 Rock. Over time though the idea expanded to making a blog where I would cover most, if not all of the shows I watch. And hence, this blog was born.

So with all that background out of the way here's the 411. Starting next week, I will begin posting my opinions about shows this fall. Some of these shows I will continue to post an opinion for all season long (The NBC Comedy Thursday Shows (but not Whitney. It doesn't seem appealing), Glee, Fringe, etc.), some of the shows ( the news ones), I may only post an opinion occasionally depending on how I feel about the show (New Girl, Person of Interest, Terra Nova, etc.). These opinions will probably be posted irregularly at first, as I don't always have access to cable or the internet, but I'll try not to be too late. These opinions will consists of a recap or sorts, some memorable moments and end with a rating of sorts (I won't be using grades or ratings. I'll probably use words.). Then hopefully, people will comment with their own opinion and that will possibly lead to some good discussions.

So what shows will I be covering? I'll post a list tomorrow. The first opinion will be for The CW's Ringer, which is premiering next week and which I'm interested in, mainly because I'm a big Buffy Fan, and Nestor Carbonell (Richard Alpert on Lost) is a big plus also. Than, I'll talk about the one reality show we'll probably cover: Survivor: South Pacific. So get excited because Kenny Sage Talks TV, Yo! is here and it'll probably be awesome!

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