Tuesday 13 September 2011

The Rating System, Yo!

I like when I read a review of something and there's a score of some sorts at the end (or at the beginning in some cases.). 3.5 Stars out of five. 8/10. A-. Because even though I can tell how they felt about something based on whether the review itself is positive or negative, a score gives me something to measure. I can read a review and know something is good (Or bad. Or mediocre.). A score tells me HOW good (Or bad. Or mediocre.) that episode/movie/comic book/CD/video game is. Which is why, even though I'm calling my opinions opinions and not reviews, I'm implementing a scoring system of sorts. To sum up how I feel. But it won't be letter grades or numbers or stars. What will it be? It'll probably look something like this:

Why? (Horrible.)
Really? (Bad.)
Disappointing (Pretty Bad.)
Ehh (So-So)
Enjoyable Enough (Pretty Good.)
Awesome (Good.)
Totally Awesome (Great.)
Holy BLANK (Perfection.)

Yes the words in the brackets are part of the score. Just to make it more clear for any reader who joins several months in and doesn't read this post about the rating system. One may argue that makes the scores that aren't in brackets unnecessary, but I don't care. I like the non-bracket scores (In case you're wondering what word BLANK is replacing, I'm just leaving that up to the imagination. It could be an expletive (I'm trying to keep this blog family friendly. Well mostly.), or a non-expletive, really creative word. I don't really care. Go nuts.).

Meanwhile tonight is the American debut of Ringer, which is the first show I'll be reviewing. Technically, it doesn't debut in Canada (where I live) until Friday, but I have my ways to watch it tonight and post a mostly spoiler-free opinion by like tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the debuts of the newest season of Survivor, plus new show Up All Night (which I'm mainly watching because Will Arnett is in it.). So those opinions should be up by Thursday. Then next Monday, the real fun begins as the 2011-2012 TV season finally gets underway. So until I next post (tomorrow, probably), rock on!

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