Monday, 12 March 2012

Memorable Moments: The Simpsons: How I Wet Your Mother

Quicky Opinion: I was a bit worried about this episode before watching it, because I heard it was an Inception spoof, and while I loved that movie, I was worried the episode would come across as dated. Luckily though, this didn't turn out to be the case at all, as the episode only used certain elements from Inception (which all worked) and it was all used to tell a well-done, funny, and at the end, very sweet story about Homer still feeling responsible for his mother leaving when he was a kid. The mystery of why he was wetting the bed was a good one and I liked the mislead at the beginning that actually planted the seeds for the real source of Homer's guilt. And Glenn Close is always good as Mona Simpson, so it's good to know they can still come up with ways to use her character, even though she's dead. All in all, another great one from The Simpsons. Quicky Grade: 80% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Boxes in the Supply Closet include: 'Paba-Free, Sunscreen', 'Pants, Emergency', "Putty, Silly', and 'Putty, Serious.'

-Homer: "Did you guys see that stupid foul call in the game last night?" Lenny: "See it? We followed the Ref home and beat the crap out of him." Carl: "I still think that may have been a kid who worked at Footlocker."

-Homer: "Attention lovers of unguarded office supplies! Come and steal things you can easily afford!"

-Mr. Burns: "Oh Lenny, why would you steal my bear?" Lenny: "I just wanted something to cuddle at night." Mr. Burns: "That's my cuddle bear. I loved him, I shot him. He's mine!"

-Barney: "If you paid us better, we wouldn't have to steal." Mr. Burns: "You don't even work here!" Barney: "Wha?! You mean I've been calling in sick for nothing! I may not be here tomorrow. That's for sure."

-Homer: "Before I do anything, I stop and ask myself: What Would Jesus and Mr. Burns Do?"

-Mr. Burns: "Hush. Now, while Simpson gets the day off, the rest of you will write 30-page essays entitled: Homer Simpson, Moral Lone Star." Lenny: "Question: Can we have fun with it?" Mr. Burns: "No, you may not."

-Homer: "I wet the bed! The one embarassing thing I've never done!"

-Homer: "Marge, from time to time, I've heard you speak of a 'washing machine'. Where could I find this marvelous contraption?"

-Random Girl: "This is the best 'I'm sorry' party Homer's ever thrown." Lenny to Girl: "Who the hell are you?"

-Homer: "One more announcement: make sure you whack Pinata Me and not Real Me."

-Homer's Party Plan: 1. Get Them to Forgive Me. 2. Ask Them to Chip In.

-Homer: "Tomorrow morning, my sheets will be as dry as the surface of Mars, except for the poles."

-Homer: "Ohh, I did the right thing for nothing!"

-Springfield Yellow Pages: The Internet For Old People.

-Shameful Eddie's: The Embarassing Problem Superstore.

-Bart: "What's going on? Is this a joke?" Homer: "Son, I'm afraid the Uralarm Wiz-No-More 9000 is no joke."

-Marge: "We're wetting the bed?!" Homer: "Hey, when you were pregnant, everything was 'we'!"

-Confidence Man Adult Diapers

-Professor Frink: "Yes, I heard about your husbands bedwetting problem." Marge: "How do you know about it?" Professor Frink: "Tweeted by Bart. Retweeted by Krusty."

-Homer: "In my dreams, I'm an intermediate skiier."

-Marge: "It's Death! I recognize him from 40th Birthday cards!"

-Professor Frink: "Because I neglected to install the latest Adobe Acrobat update, if you die in the dream, you die in real life." Marge: "nuh!" Professor Frink: "Incidentally, I've also proven that Hell is real and everybody goes there. Frink out."

-Bart: "Wait, dreams have rules?" Lisa: "Everything has rules, Bart." Bart: "Not me, when I hit the dance floor."

-The dream done in Tracy Ullman style complete with the old Homer voice was quite funny.

-Also funny: Homer's friend Keggy, which is a female talking beer keg with Marge's hair, doughnut ears, and a pizza tongue."

-Dream Apu: "In this fantasy Kwik-E-Mart, you get your change in bacon!"

-Dream Moes: "In this place, Mothers are FOR drunk driving."

-Homer: "Oh, lighten up Marge. I take you to the Disneyland of me and you just wanna go to the lost-and-found".

-Professor Frink: "If I unhook them now, I won't know if this is safe to use on chimps!"

-Homer: "Quick! Gum up the gears with Moes!"

-Homer: "Oh Death, you're a lifesaver!"

-Marge: "Mona, you're alive?!" Mona: "No, but I live on in Homer's dreams." Homer: "Just like my hair." (a head of light brown curlish hair grows on him) Marge: "That's Jennifer Aniston's hair on Friends!" Homer: "Exactly like Chandler. Always criticizing."

-Homer: "There's nothing in this dream world that can't strangle you!"

-Bart: "Pathetic. The kid who can't keep his parents marriage together is no kid at all."

-Homer: "I'm cured! I'll never wet the bed again!" Marge: "And maybe, you'll stop overeating too." Homer: "No can do, baby."

-Mona: "And never forget Homer: the three of us will always be together. In your memory. Right next to the movie trivia."

-Homer: "Woohoo! I'm dry! Come on everybody! Feel daddy's underpants!" Lisa: "We'll take your word for it."

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