Sunday, 11 March 2012

Kenny Sage Breaks Down The New(ish) Community Trailer, Yo!

As I hope all of you reading this right now are aware, we are less than a week away from the return of Community. Unless you're reading this after March 15th, in which case we're in the midst of the return of Community. Unless you're reading this after the season 3 finale, in which case I must ask: why are you reading the break down for something that is no longer relevant? But I digress. Now the other day (As of this post), a trailer for the rest of the season was released. You can watch it (or re-watch it) again and again and again HERE!!!! So anyways, I've been watching this so many times trying to catch every little connection, I thought it would be fun to do a full break down of the trailer and point out everything I see (and how it might connect based on what I know about upcoming episodes). Just to do something different from my regular format of opinions and quotes. So without further ado, here we go with my break down of the new Community trailer.

Disclaimer: Much of what I add besides a description of the clips is pure speculation, but much of that speculation is drawn from what I know about future episodes of the show, so if you're trying to avoid all spoilers, no matter how mild, maybe don't read this.

-0:01-0:10: We open with Carl Bladt of the Greendale board of directors expelling the study group from Greendale, calling them the Greendale 7 for some unknown reason. I watched an interview today where Allison Brie (Annie) said that the group's actions would start having serious consequences and I can only assume that this is one of the things she was referring to.

-0:14: Feathers rain down the hallways and blanket walls are up. Probably (Scratch that, definitely) from the upcoming two part Blanket Fort civil war episode.

-0:17. The study group seems happy. Returning from the break perhaps? a voice says not a lot of people get a second chance. I'm guessing that voice belongs to Andre from the episode where he re-proposes to Shirley.

-0:21: Troy talks about all difficult things being better. Abed is definitely wearing the same shirt he's wearing when the group gets expelled. Does this mean anything? Guess we'll find out.

-0:26: Abed talks about purging weirdness from his and Troy's systems. Probably from the wedding episode, where I hear Troy and Abed try to act normal.

-0:28: Pierce in a weird get-up with different looking hair. Not sure what this is about.

-0:28/0:29: Abed and Annie in the Dreamatorium. They're both in robes of sorts. Annie is on the floor looking shocked. Paleyfest revealed that Annie and Abed would spend an entire episode in the Dreamatorium, so that's probably from that episode.

-0:31-0:33: Everything you know will Chang. A big banner with Chang's face declaring 'Chang Is' is being draped over a wall of the school. Then Chang and an army of security (Probably children, judging from later comments) swarm into the cafeteria. Assumedly this means Chang's rise to power continues. Does the school become a police state at some point ruled by Chang? That'd be funny.

-0:34-0:37: Someone (Britta?) holds a poster advertising Chang's birthday Par-Tay. Chang is in a general get-up advising his men to be on the look-out for the Greendale Seven and saying he won't have them ruining his 25th (?!) birthday party. I hear there's an Oceans 11 episode in the works, so maybe this relates to that? Assumedly this happens after the expulsion of the group.

-0:38: Back to the scene from earlier at 0:26, Troy remarks he feels more normal already.

-0:42: Annie freaks out because she's only getting a passing grade in Biology. Which means we'll be seeing more of the tough Professor Kane.

-0:47: I think this was a flashback to Pascal's Triangle Revisited from season 1. I'll have to rewatch that episode to be sure though.

-0:48: Britta makes kissy faces near Troy while they both wear lab coats of some kind. Or maybe they're doctor coats.

-0:49-0:51: Britta and Jeff are drunk at the altar talking about babies. I'm assuming this is from the wedding episode again.

-0:52: Chang enters a room full of children. Some salute. OK, this is definitely an army of children he's building.

-0:54-0:58: Chang's army runs through the cafeteria in tiny riot gear. Annie and Shirley think it's cute until someone (Garrett?) gets pepper sprayed, at which point they scream. Scenes from this riot show up a few more times in the trailer (at least I think they're scenes from this riot). I have a bit of a theory on what causes this but I'll talk about that a bit later.

-0:58: Pierce almost sat on his balls. I think that speaks for itself.

-1:00: Troy and Abed have dewhimsified themselves. This, again is likely from the wedding episode where they try to be normal.

-1:01: Dean Pelton in the outfit of a train engineer. I'm not even going to guess why.

-1:02-1:04: Britta as Michael Jackson saying Jeff is in grave danger. I know there's an episode coming up where the group has to be celebrity impersonators at a Bar Mitzvah to help Abed get out of debt, and the press release for that episode states that Jeff will be dealing with extreme narcissism in that one, so I'll assume Britta's comment is related to that.

-1:05-1:11: Dean Pelton goes to pick an outfit as he prepares to give more bad news to Jeff and his study group. This implies that a dark chain of events is coming up for our heroes, even before they get expelled at the beginning of the trailer. It also shows that the Dean intentionally puts on ridiculous outfits before he goes to talk to them.

-1:12-1:13: A messed-up Britta wants to know how long Peyote lasts. Oh boy.

-1:14-1:15: Chang tasers his balls. Assumedly this is something that happens before his rise to apparent absolute power.

-1:15-1:17: Jeff was wondering how long it'd take for things to get back to normal. Assumedly this is from the episode where they get back from Winter Break.

-1:18-1:19: Pierce declares "Let's burn this mother down!" and fists shoot up in the air. I think this is how the riot starts. I'm also fairly certain that this is happening at a funeral, as the podium Pierce is at has a star that says RIP on it (and some sort of lizard thing.) and there's an urn next to a star on the table in front of him. Now I'm aware that someone dies in the back 12 of episodes, and that they're keeping a tight lid on who bites it (as they should), but I'm going to take a guess. I'm guessing that Starburns is the one who dies and that's why the RIP is written on a star with a tiny lizard (Starburns had added a lizard.). Now, this is just a guess and the fatality could be some other supporting character. I guess we'll have to wait to find out for sure.

-1:20: Jeff stares down the hallway at something with sunglasses in the same shirt he was wearing at 1:17.

-1:22: Britta in some apartment (Troy, Abed, and Annie's perhaps?) looking up at someone. I think it's Jeff.

-1::24: Shirley is in the same clothes as she was in 0:54-0:58, which places this clip from the riot. She seems to be making a speech, so she may be talking at the funeral of whoever died.

-1:26: Annie looking shocked into some weird dress that shows up again soon.

-1:27: Troy holding back an army of fighting people. This is probably from the Blanket Fort Civil War epic that's coming up in a few weeks as this same image recurs later on.

-1:29: Evil Abed in the Dreamatorium! But how? Why? Is this just part of some imaginary thing Abed has in the Dreamatorium? Does reality actually break? Does Evil Abed get rid of regular Abed for a time? Only time will tell.

-1:30-1:32: Pierce and Chang seem to be enjoying themselves and are together at a carnival of sorts. They both have cotton candy. I can't even guess what this is, but it looks funny.

-1:34: Dean Pelton is looking at a book in the cafeteria. I noticed part of the Subway logo in part of the screen and green balloons. So Subway comes to Greendale at some point. But since Pierce and Shirley are supposed to start a sandwich shop business together at some point, I'm not sure how long that'll last. Also, could featuring Subway be a nod to Chuck and how Subway sponsored the show for the latter seasons? I hope so.

-1:35: Annie is wearing the same weird dress from 1:26 and is prancing down the hallway with Jeff who is also in a weird episode. Is this some imaginary thing from the Dreamatorium episode? Or is something weirder going on.

-1:36: Abed is holding his hands to his head and looks disturbed. Something is too much for him.

-1:37: Dean Pelton falls to the ground in front of somebody. Everything looks normal so who knows why this happened. He could be dying, but he was shown in what I'm assuming is a funeral scene, so it's probably something else.

-1:38: Leonard and others steal food from the cafeteria section. Looks like the riot is in full force.

-1:39: Chang surprises the Dean by bringing in a duplicate Dean (with higher pants.). Does Chang attempt to replace the Dean as part of his rise to power? Does the duplicate Dean share personality traits with the regular Dean?

-1:39: I'm not sure what this is. A man and woman sit in fancy chairs by the fireplace. It probably makes sense in context.

-1:40: Troy and Abed happily crabwalk together down a hallway. Vice Dean Layborne is talking about tearing Troy and Abed asunder and this mini-speech (which started at 1:39) continues for the next couple seconds.

-1:41: Troy sitting in a brightly coloured room morphs into Abed standing in his robe in the Dreamatorium. This could mean that the conflict that will develop between the two during the blanket fort civil war doesn't completely go away and might even mean that Troy moves out at some point.

-1:42: Vice Dean Layborne finishing his thought. "Soon Troy and Abed will be torn asunder and an unencumbered Troy will turn to his destiny." This implies that the Vice Dean is behind whatever brings conflict between Troy and Abed as part of his plan to lure Troy to the air conditioning repair school.

-1:44: Wind blows a picture of Troy and Abed apart, leaving Abed on his own. This could be something that happens during the civil war, but I could also see it happening as part of the Dreamatorium episode as a more symbolic sign of the split. I'm cool with whatever turns out to be the cause of this, because it's still a chilling image.

-1:45-1:47: Troy and Abed stand at the heads of two opposing armies. Abed's men have pillows on their heads and Troy's men has blankets. This is definitely from the civil war episode and the next clip shows a pillow fight in full force, and a man made of pillows being beaten down.

-1:48-1:50: More pillow fighting. The final image before the words Community show up in the scene is Troy and Abed without the headgear they were wearing earlier trying to hold back a raging pillow fight, while the Dean trembles in fear below. This could be from the end of the two-parter and show Troy and Abed trying to stop everything, or it could be from earlier on, right before everything gets out of hand. I'm glad we won't have to wait long to find out.

-1:58-2:02: Last clip of the trailer. Likely a continuation of 1:05-1:11. Dean Pelton opens his closet, looks at a bunch of weird outfits and wigs and asks "Who wants to dance?"

And we're done. And as I look back over this analysis, it occurs to me that I have way too much time on my hands. Oh well. Community is time well wasted. So I hope you enjoyed this and maybe even got something out of it and I hope you tune in to Community when it returns, because it's more than great. It's phenomenal.

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