Tuesday, 4 October 2011

How I Met Your Mother: The Stinson Missle Crisis

The Stinson Missile Crisis was a step down from the last couple weeks, but that's understandable. These things happen as a show gets older. It's still a rather solid episode though, with plenty of great gags. It's also pretty important to the arc of the season as it continues the story of Robin secretly being in love with Barney, which is something she has to face when she attends court-mandated therapy for assault. The mystery of who she assaulted and why hangs over the episode, as she slowly explains to her therapist (Kal Penn from Harold and Kumar) why she did it.

This structure works mostly well, though the repeated gag of the therapist being annoyed that she kept talking about the subplot got tired after the first couple of times it happened (Though it cracked me up again at the end when Robin inserted a line about it applying to her situation perfectly after it ended). It was funny seeing Robin get increasingly frustrated with all the affection Barney was showing Norah, leading to her crying under her desk drunk and eating stolen chocolates.This also leads her to suggest that Norah should be the one to go cover the G8 summit oversea (though Sandy Rivers was going to ask her anyways.). With Norah leaving for a few days, Barney realizes that he has to dismemble his Bimbo Delivery Systems and Robin decides to help him.

The Bimbo Delivery Systems are the best part of the episode. Of course Barney would have a series of plays that work 24/7 to get him new victims. And they were all pretty funny too. Only Barney would start a fake breast reduction consulation AND a fake class action lawsuit against himself. And he has a port authority officer in his pocket to tell him which girls would be naive enough to not know what a casting director can ask them to do. And he has an autodialer calling clients of a body glitter company. Of course it's also the auto-dialer that leads to the assault as Robin inadvertantly triggered it one more time, causing a girl to seek Barney out at the bar just as Norah gets back a day early and goes to dinner with Barney. Robin leads the girl to where Barney is, hoping it'll ruin him and Norah.

Meanwhile, Lily is getting annoyed with Ted trying to be a part of Team Baby (complete with T-Shirt.). It seems Ted has a habit of intruding on Marshall and Lily's intimate moments (and doesn't know what the sock in the door means). And she gets angry when Marshall agrees with Ted that maybe Lily's doctor who tells her she can have "just a leetle bet" of things like wine and sushi isn't giving the best advice. Of course, when she doesn't go to the birthing class that Ted signed the three of them up for, Marshall and Ted end up there by themselves, where during a lesson on sensual massages hear that the mother knows best. Feeling bad for not listening to Lily, Marshall apologizes and decides that maybe Lily's doctor's laid-back approach may help during the delivery (cut to a flashforward of the doctor being less than laid-back during the delivery and Marshall absent. More on that later, promises Future Ted during his only intrustion in the episode.) and Ted realizes that Lily needs space. Because if you love someone, you should be able to step back he tells Robin.

So Robin stops the bimbo from ruining Barney's relationship and gets arrested for assault. And the subplot was important (kinda.). The episodes ends on a funny note with Robin explaining why she keyed the judges car (it starts with Marshall and Lily wanting to go to the zoo) and a great photo montage of Marshall and Lily having matching Halloween costumes and Ted having a third costume (Salt, Pepper and Cumin, Lewis, Clarke, and their Canoe, R2 D2, C3P0 and the Droid Luke's Uncle almost bought from the Jawas among other things). So ends this episode, which while not as great as the last couple that preceded it was still a good time.

Rating: Awesome! (Good)

Memorable Moments

-http://stinsonbreastreduction.com/  and http://www.linsonbreastlawsuit.com/ are both real websites as is expected from HIMYM
-Jeff Probst cameos when we learn that Stinson Breast Reduction apparently sponsored a reward challenge on Survivor: South Pacific. More on that show soon.
-"I can handle them! It." Barney could never say that line correctly, even with the autodialer.
-Marshall: "It’s fascinating how little I know about vaginas". Later on the birthing instructor offers to answer all Vagina-related questions just as Ted and Marshall are leaving.
-Another one of Ted's comparisons about the three of them: Romeo, Juliet, and the Apothecary. 
-Robin: “Sometimes it’s better to interfere and sabotage stuff, right?”

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