Friday, 21 October 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Free Agent

Boy, plenty of memorable moments last night in another solid episode of Survivor: South Pacific. I'm actually enjoying this a lot more than Redemption Island and I enjoyed Redemption Island a lot. But if I can only pick 5 things, here's what I enjoyed the most about last night in (mostly) chronological order:

1. Ozzy Has A Tantrum: Ozzy is really ticked off that his closest ally has been voted off and in the aftermath, gets mad at Keith and Whitney for keeping this from him, declares himself a free agent, and then reveals he has the idol. And it takes him until after the duel at Redemption for him to realize that he's made a big mistake, and rebuild his alliance with Keith. His tantrum also gives Cochran the opportunity to call Ozzy a "little bitch", which is really funny.

2. Brandon's Idol Hunt: Brandon finds a clue to the hidden immunity idol, but unbeknownst to him, Coach already has the idol. So he tries to get Coach and Albert to help find it. Of course they just watch him go and decide not to tell him, because of how emotionally unstable he is. Classic.

3. Christine Knows How to Take Encouragement... Not: During the Redemption Island duel of Christine vs. Elyse (Christine won, again), Rick shouts some encouraging words. She responds by subtly flipping the bird at him. This is really funny, but it also shows that Christine coming back from Redemption Island is bad news for her former tribe.

4. Loyalty vs. Strength: After Upolu loses the immunity challenge, Coach wants Mikayla gone, because she sucked at the challenge and didn't listen to his instructions. Plus he believes Edna will do anything he asks. Albert and Sophie think Edna should be gone though, because she isn't that strong and since the next challenge is likely to be the last one until the merge, they need the power that Mikayla brings. Brandon is with Coach, because they made a promise to Edna (even though he knows Edna SHOULD be going). The only undecided factor is Rick, who gets more screentime and dialogue this episode than he ever has. Ultimately he chooses loyalty though and Mikayla is voted out, but not before...

5. Brandon Has Another Tribal Council Episode: Man, Brandon is insane. He wanted to show another side of the Hantz family and he has done that, but it's not necessarily a positive side. His speech about how half a lie is still a lie and how people also think a bit of drugs or alcohol is OK, but it isn't was crazy. I found it really funny, but it was still crazy. Maybe Upolu should finally start thinking about sending him to redemption.

Well that's it for now. Next opinion will be for HIMYM I think. It might change, but probably not.

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