Friday, 14 October 2011

5 Things I Enjoyed About Survivor: South Pacific: Taste of Victory

So last week, I mentioned that I wanted to talk about Survivor more, but it takes a really long time because I get really into every detail and want to list every detail. I also mentioned that I was going to try a couple new things format-wise. So behold the first installment of 5 Things I Enjoyed About... in which I list 5 highlights of the most recent episode of Survivor (I may try this with other shows later down the line). And last night's episode had lots of highlights. So here we go in chronological order.

1. Stacy's Last Hurrah: Stacy was pretty bitter about being voted off last week and before the redemption island duel between her and Christine (who won again.). So she exposed the power structure of her tribe to Savii, letting them know that Coach and Albert were running the show. And she did it in a ridiculous fashion with references to "Chucky the Cheese" among other things. Oh, Stacy. You'll be missed.

2. Coach: Coach has been much better this season than he has ever been. Tonight we got a glimpse of his crazier side though, as he freaked out when he learned that Stacy and Christine were calling him Benjamin repeatedly (and that he would be a big post-merge target). Things turned around for him again though, in a good way when Albert shared the immunity idol clue with him and Sophie, and subsequently found the idol. While I still don't want to see a returning player win the season, I could watch this version of Coach for the rest of the season.

3. The Meat-Eating Challenge: Holy crap, that was disgusting. But strangely I couldn't look away. As both tribes had to rip off chunks of meat from a roasted, BBQ sauce covered, pig, and drop it in a basket, we got a good look at the whole affair and it got gross, as people eventually were taking meat from each others mouths and from the floor.. It was also a really close challenge, as Savii lost by 2 ounces. Basically, one bite. Wow. What would've happened if it was a tie? I don't think I want to know.

4. Jim: This is kind of breaking chronological order, but Jim reading into Ozzy's suggestion that Coach should get rid of Albert, one of the stronger players as a sign that he'll get rid of Jim and Keith when he can, and using it as ammunition to get Keith over to his side and get the vote needed to get out Elyse, Ozzy's closest ally was genius. Jim is a great player and character for the show. Can't wait to see him in future weeks, as Savii just suffered a major shake-up.

5. Blindside: The tribal council where Elyse got voted out in the first real blindside of the season was great, especially when Keith and Whitney decide to only half-betray Ozzy by voting for Dawn, instead of Elyse or Cochran, hoping they can use this to wiggle back into his good graces. We'll see how that works out. Good job, Survivor. Good job.

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