Thursday, 10 May 2012

Parks and Recreation: Win, Lose, Or Draw

What Happened, Yo!:

-It's election day, and with polls indicating that Bobby Newport and Leslie are in a dead heat, there is nothing left to do but wait. Leslie tries not to panic, especially when earliest polls has Brandi Maxxxx in the lead. Anne takes her boxing to distract her, while Bobby and herself take the lead at various points. Ultimately the election is called with Bobby as the winner with 21 votes, apparently shattering Leslie's dream, but because the margain is so narrow, Ben points out that there has to be a recount. While this is happening, Leslie confesses to Ron that she doesn't want to let everyone down after they gave up their personal lives for her, but Ron tells her that she can't let them down and they're all in this together, win, lose, or draw. Ann informs Leslie that 21 votes still decided the election, but they were in her favour and Leslie has won. Bobby gives an ecstatic concession speech, while everyone celebrates.

-During all this, Jen tells Ben that she's been impressed with the way he's run the campaign and offers him a job on an upcoming congressional campaign in Washington. Ben isn't sure if he should do it, and after talking to Leslie who was hoping they'd finally have some time to themselves, he decides he won't do it. But talking to Ron makes Leslie realize she's been selfish, and she gives Ben her blessing to go to Washington.

-Also meanwhile, April accidentally deletes all the files on the Parks Department computers and is worried that she'll lose her job. Andy isn't that helpful trying to fix the problem, but he helps her by saying that he'd quit if she was fired and the two come up with a list of dream jobs. Donna shows up and easily fixes the problem because she secretly installed her own back-up ten years ago, due to Jerry often deleting things. Later, April realizes that all of Andy's dream jobs were some form of law enforcement and suggests he join the Pawnee Police Department, which intrigues him.

-Tom has a very vivid dream that he and Ann get back together and he's certain it'll come true. While celebrating, Ann gets very drunk, gets back together with Tom, agrees to move in with him, and agrees that she can't take it all back in the morning.

-Sleeping with Jen has revitalized Chris and brought him out of his depression.

-Ron turns down the assistant city manager job, realizing that he's happy where he is.

-Jerry doesn't vote on time and worries that he could cost Leslie the election. He doesn't but Leslie gets mad at him anyways when his mistake is revealed.

I Liked This: And so we arrive at the end of the road for the 4th season of Parks and Rec. It's been an entertaining ride and Win, Lose, or Draw brings the season to a fitting close. I really liked the way that the episode kept you guessing throughout, putting us in the same boat as Leslie and leading to some real uncertainty right up to the point where Ann reveals that Leslie has won the election.  The episode also provided at least one funny moment for every character, and spent a lot of time looking into the future, which is something that comes up in life a lot. Andy and April were removed from the action for most of the episode, but their mini-crisis was a nice story for them, showing exactly why these two work as a couple. Andy trying to fix the computer by blowing on the monitor and then knocking it over was great, and the idea of Andy becoming a police officer in a potential 5th season fits right in line with the character, makes perfect sense and would be terrific. As for Leslie, her story with Ben was sweet and an interesting obstacle for the couple to face. Her scene with Ron was probably the best scene of the episode, next to the final scenes of her delivering her victory speech, while hanging up her picture on the wall of councilman from the beginning of the series. Having her win should provide the show with lots of interesting stories going forward.

And for all the sweet, emotional stuff, there was a lot of humour too. Jerry's subplot about him forgetting to vote was perfectly Jerry, and never overstayed it's welcome. And the words "Dammit, Jerry!" may be the best close to a season yet. Paul Rudd was still great in his couple scenes, as was Jen Barkley, who just wanted to go home and couldn't even bother to give Chris a real goodbye or properly meet Ann. And the rule that a tie between a man and a woman candidate results in the jailing of the woman candidate just adds to Pawnee's hilariously terrible history.

But...: Tom and Ann's plot was really slight, and I know their relationship isn't meant to be taken that seriously, but breaking them up a couple episodes ago now seems completely forced and unnecessary for the payoff of Ann drunkenly agreeing to moving in with Tom.

The Bottom Line: Win, Lose, Or Draw was a fantastic close to another great season of Parks and Rec. Bring on Councilwoman Knope and season 5 (please)!

Grade: 87% (Great)

Memorable Moments

-Election Commissioner: "In the event of an exact tie, the seat is awarded to the male candidate and the female candidate is put in jail." Leslie: "Once again, I have to object."  Commissioner: "Well, I don't think it would hold up in court, but it is city law."

-The Sweetums voting machines that pressure you into voting for Bobby and then reward you with a candy bar voucher once you do so is a great gag, and the crying baby sound when you vote for Leslie is also great.

-Leslie: "The reason Bobby and I are appearing together is to send a message that everyone should get out and vote, no matter who they're voting for." Bobby: "That's right. Another awesome point by Leslie. That's why I'm voting for you. (All laugh) What's so funny?" Leslie: "They're laughing at your joke." Bobby: "What joke? I am voting for you." Leslie: "You're not voting for yourself." Bobby: "Leslie, you can't vote for yourself, I don't think. I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

-Andy reassures April: "First of all, you did the right thing by hiding underneath this table."

-Ron: "Well, I've never been one for meeting new people, or doing new things, or eating new types of food, or travelling outside of Southern Indiana. I've had the same haircut since 1978, and I've driven the same car since 1991. I've used the same wooden comb  for three decades. I have one bowl. I still get my milk delivered by horse." Ben: "You do?" Ron: "But you and Leslie like to hold hands and jump off cliffs together into the great unknown. Weird. You have a good relationship. I don't personally know what that's like, but I'm given to understand it means you'll land on your feet."

-Perd Hapley: "I have an update that contains new information."

-Ben is confused by Leslie's laughter after apparently losing: "Why are you laughing?" Leslie: "Because my dream is dead."

-Jen really doesn't what a recount: "How bout' this? Why don't I make you guys a deal?" Leslie: "OK, there's no deal in the world that we would ever possibly con-" Jen: "I'll give you Joe Biden's home phone number." Leslie: "Now, hang on, that's interesting." Ben: "OK, you're not thinking clearly."

-Leslie: "Someday, when I'm more emotionally stable, I wanna read the concession speech you wrote for me." Ben: "I never wrote it."

-Leslie's Victory Speech: "The idea behind the campaign was a simple one: that with hard work and positivity, a group of people can make a difference. During my term as your city councillor,  I wanna focus on your hopes and not your fears. I wanna solve problems instead of creating friction and I will work hard every hour of every day to make Pawnee a better place to live. Because I love this city. And I know first-hand, how very special the people of this city are. I owe this victory, all of it, to my friends and supporters. No one achieves anything alone. So let's embark on a new journey together. Let's break out a map. Not the old, out-of-date map of where we've been, but a crisp, new one, that shows where we might go. Let's embark on a new journey together and see where it takes us.

-Ron: "Jerry forgot to vote." Leslie: "Dammit, Jerry!"

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