So, most of the time when I'm late with an update or miss something, it's due to a lack of motivation on my part. Sometimes however, I lose the resources (Read: Internet Access and Time) needed to post a timely post. This is one of those weeks. So here are my quicky opinions for last Thursdays The Office and Parks and Recreation with apologies. Hopefully, I can get everything I need to in order heading into May.
Parks and Recreation: Live Ammo: After a month of absense, Parks and Rec returned last week with a very funny episode, that also moved along the seasons ongoing storylines (The campaign, April taking on more responsibility, Ron being considered for promotion and Chris' downward spiral into depression) in an interesting way. It was good to see Leslie start to learn just what being on city council can be like, and her figuring out a way to avoid cutting the parks budget without Ann getting fired or the animal shelter closing was good to see. Ron meditating was great and the twist that Chris will lose his job if Bobby wins should be interesting to see play out. And April stepping up and getting mentored in a way by Tom was a good story for the character, with the pet adoption providing a lot of amusing moments. Overall, Parks and Rec came back with a strong one. Bring on the rest of the season. Quicky Grade: 85% (Great)
The Office: Angry Andy: Now, I was a little mixed on Angry Andy. First off, I really enjoyed the Ryan/Kelly storyline, which seemed to sum up how messed up that relationship is. Introducing a new man for Kelly is a good idea, and I'm hoping that this will continue on throughout the season. Pam and Ryan's ongoing feud is always fun and Ryan on a white horse was a good gag. I was a bit more mixed on the Andy stuff though, mainly because the idea that Nelly could just come in and take his job because Robert is attracted to her is a pretty ridiculous one. Wasn't Robert supposed to be brilliant and a competent CEO? And while I appreciated the build-up to the return of Angry Andy, the actual unleashing of Angry Andy was painfully brief and punching the wall again did not have the same comedic punch (pun intended) that it had the first time that happened (In one of my favorite episodes of the series, The Return). Don't get me wrong. The plot still had it's moments, and I'm looking forward to see where they're going with Andy quitting/getting fired, but the way we got there was a little too ridiculous for this show. Creed still had funny moments though. Grade: 68% (Pretty Good)
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