Monday 24 October 2016

I Got Thoughts On Jane The Virgin: Chapter 46

(As I get back in the habit of writing this blog, I want to try tinkering with different formats for writing recaps beyond that standard mini-essay format (Though I'll still be doing those as well) to shake things up and get me writing about more shows on a regular basis. "I Got Thoughts" will be a point-form collection of thoughts I have on an episode of television. Like a more substantial "Memorable Moments" for the few regular readers reading this. If you're not a regular reader, you're this preamble means nothing to you so I better get to it.

-This new format option actually came about because I tried to write about Jane's season premiere last week in my normal format and hit a wall. So I'm hoping that doesn't happen this week on the inaugural "I Got Thoughts".

-Interesting choice to forgo the standard flashback opening to focus on Jane's trauma-fuelled nightmares about Michael getting shot instead.

-Just like how the emotional trauma of Mateo's kidnapping lingered at the beginning of last season, it's nice to see the Jane the Virgin writers interested in exploring the aftermath of Michael's near-fatal shooting and how it impacts Jane and Michael instead of using it as a cheap cliffhanger to quickly forget about and move on from. It takes a soapy twist and gives it real, lasting weight.

-Of course it also lets the show drag out Jane's virginity just a little bit longer. The Jane The Married Virgin title card and Michael's line about it starting to feel like a "cosmic joke" were funny but if it keeps going much longer, I might get upset. I just want to see these two crazy kids have tasteful, network-approved sex, damn it! The cliffhanger promises it's finally happening next week but I'll believe it when I see it.

-Also glad to see Rafael officially move on from Jane. Dragging the love triangle on after Jane's married Michael would have been irksome and Jane and Rafael having to navigate their new dynamic as friends and co-parents is a much more fresh and interesting source for stories.

-I figured Xo's abortion storyline might get dragged out a couple weeks but not only has it already happened, but Alba even found out about it in the same episode! It's nice to see the writers not drag it out longer than it had to.

-Alba deciding to move on and accept Xo's decision despite not agreeing with it rather than feud with Xo felt a little easy, but I wasn't looking forward to those two not talking for a prolonged period of time yet again so I'll take the easy resolution. Alba not actually changing her mind on approving of the abortion was also much appreciated. It would've felt like a betrayal of Alba's character for her to suddenly just be fine with the whole thing. The use of that bit of their history where Alba had advised Xo to get an abortion when she was pregnant with Jane and always regretted it was also welcome and the show did a good job showing how that event has shaped both their views going forward.

-Also I should've known the new cherry wallpaper in the repaired Villanueva home would become a metaphor for Alba's stubbornness. Clever writers.

-Also we finally figured out what Alba did for a living. Home health care worker! How long have the writers been sitting on that piece of information?!

-Petra's still #petrafied. Poor Petra.

-Anezka falling for Scott was unexpected but I can ship it. The fact that she slept with him while he thinks she's Petra is super-dicey but I'm trusting the writers will handle the fallout of that when it finally comes out as gracefully as they usually handle this stuff.

-Lots of great Jane/Michael moments this week. I didn't start out on Time Michael but he's definitely won me over. The "honeymoon room" was super cute. And watching him, Jane, and Xo all interact was something I hope we get more of.

-I also got choked up when Jane's innocent comment about comforting the victim for Mateo's biting finally made Michael break down over what happened to him. It was very well acted by Brett Dier.

-The "hippy dippy" preschool is becoming a bit of a cliche, but I was as surprised as Jane by how well I liked the one Mateo is now part of. The visual of Jane and Rafael in the "compassion corner" surrounded by children was hilarious. Jane using what she learned their to help mediate Xo and Alba's conflict was also a clever way to tie it into ongoing storylines.

-Rogelio's American accent was amazing.

-Rogelio's telenovella using Emily Lazarus' story had a bunch of funny moments. And though Rogelio's character giving old white judges a speech on how America is about welcoming diversity was a bit on the nose (Though a very important message), the fact that it led to his epiphany that he should be trying to bring his telenovellas to American television to become a crossover star made it all work. That should be a ripe source for comedy in the weeks to come.

-Jane and Michael getting the all-clear to have sex is the biggest cliffhanger this show's ever done. I'm so excited for next week!

-That's it for the very first I Got Thoughts! I really like how this turned out and I'm going to keep doing it!

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